Hate Speech als Schulproblem (HATE)
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Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Wettstein, Alexander; Fischer, Saskia M.; Wachs, Sebastian; Bilz, Ludwig (2024). Associations between Teachers’ Beliefs and Their Perception of Hate Speech in School: A Study in Germany and Switzerland. Frontiers in Education, 9, pp. 1-11. 10.3389/feduc.2024.1432013
Wettstein, Alexander; Schneider, Ida; Wachs, Sebastian (2024). An ethological perspective on bullying: answering Tinbergen’s four questions. In: Handbook of school violence, bullying, and safety. (pp. 134-149). Edward Elgar Publishing. 10.4337/9781035301362.00019
Bilz, Ludwig; Fischer, Saskia M.; Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Wachs, Sebastian; Wettstein, Alexander (2024). Teachers’ Intervention Strategies for Handling Hate-Speech Incidents in Schools. Social Psychology of Education, 27 (5), pp. 2701-2724. 10.1007/s11218-024-09929-9
Wachs, Sebastian; Wettstein, Alexander; Bilz, Ludwig; Espelage, Dorothy L.; Wright, Michelle F.; Gámez-Guadix, Manuel (2024). Individual and Classroom-level Correlates of Latent Bystander Profiles toward Racist Hate Speech: A Multilevel Person-centered Approach. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53 (6), pp. 1271-1286. 10.1007/s10964-024-01968-x
Castellanos, Melisa; Wettstein, Alexander; Wachs, Sebastian; Bilz, Ludwig (2023). Racist Hate Speech at School and its Impact on Bystanders' Active Defending. The Protective Role of Migration Background. International Journal of Developmental Science, 17 (1-3), pp. 31-41. 10.3233/DEV-230341
Wachs, Sebastian; Bilz, Ludwig; Wettstein, Alexander; Espelage, Dorothy L. (2023). Validation of the Multidimensional Bystander Responses to Racist Hate Speech Scale and its Association with Empathy and Moral Disengagement among Adolescents. Aggressive Behavior, 50 (1), pp. 1-12 Wiley. 10.1002/ab.22105
Castellanos, Melisa; Wettstein, Alexander; Wachs, Sebastian; Bilz, Ludwig (2023). Direct and indirect effects of social dominance orientation on hate speech perpetration via empathy and moral disengagement among adolescents: A multilevel mediation model. Aggressive Behavior, 50 (1) Wiley. 10.1002/ab.22100
Castellanos, Melisa; Wettstein, Alexander; Wachs, Sebastian; Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Ballaschk, Cindy; Krause, Norman; Bilz, Ludwig (2023). Hate speech in adolescents: A binational study on prevalence and demographic differences. Frontiers in Education, 8, p. 1076249. 10.3389/feduc.2023.1076249
Wachs, Sebastian; Valido, Alberto; Espelage, Dorothy L.; Castellanos, Melisa; Wettstein, Alexander; Bilz, Ludwig (2023). The relation of classroom climate to adolescents' countering hate speech via social skills: A positive youth development perspective. Journal of Adolescence, 95 (6), pp. 1127-1139. 10.1002/jad.12180
Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Wettstein, Alexander; Castellanos, Melisa; Schwab, Céline; Subramaniam, Abimanju; Wachs, Sebastian; Bilz, Ludwig (2023). Associations between Social Competence, Perceived Parents’ Prosocial Educational Goals, and Adolescents’ Hate Speech Perpetration in School. Victims & Offenders, 19 (3), pp. 419-446. 10.1080/15564886.2023.2189191
Wachs, Sebastian; Castellanos, Melisa; Wettstein, Alexander; Bilz, Ludwig; Gámez-Guadix, Manuel (2022). Associations Between Classroom Climate, Empathy, Self-Efficacy, and Countering Hate Speech Among Adolescents: A Multilevel Mediation Analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38 (5-6), pp. 5067-5091. 10.1177/08862605221120905
Ballaschk, Cindy; Schulze-Reichelt, Friederike; Wachs, Sebastian; Krause, Norman; Wettstein, Alexander; Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Bilz, Ludwig; Schubarth, Wilfried (2022). Ist das (schon) Hatespeech? – Eine qualitative Untersuchung zum Verständnis von Hatespeech unter pädagogischem Schulpersonal. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung, 12 (3), pp. 579-596. 10.1007/s35834-022-00367-1
Wachs, Sebastian; Bilz, Ludwig; Wettstein, Alexander; Wright, Michelle F.; Krause, Norman; Ballaschk, Cindy; Kansok-Dusche, Julia (2022). The online hate speech cycle of violence: moderating effects of moral disengagement and empathy in the victim-to-perpetrator relationship. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 25 (4), pp. 223-229. 10.1089/cyber.2021.0159
Wachs, Sebastian; Bilz, Ludwig; Wettstein, Alexander; Wright, Michelle F.; Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Krause, Norman; Ballaschk, Cindy (2022). Associations Between Witnessing and Perpetrating Online Hate Speech Among Adolescents: Testing Moderation Effects of Moral Disengagement and Empathy. Psychology of Violence, 12 (6), pp. 371-381. 10.1037/vio0000422
Wachs, Sebastian; Wettstein, Alexander; Bilz, Ludwig; Gámez-Guadix, Manuel (2022). Adolescents’ motivations to perpetrate hate speech and links with social norms. Comunicar, 30 (71), pp. 9-20. 10.3916/C71-2022-01
Wettstein, Alexander (2021). Hate Speech. Aggressionstheoretische und sozialpsychologische Erklärungsansätze. In: Wachs, Sebastian; Koch-Priewe, Barbara; Zick, Andreas (eds.) Hate Speech - Multidisziplinäre Analysen und Handlungsoptionen. Theoretische und empirische Annäherungen an ein interdisziplinäres Phänomen (pp. 227-252). Wiesbaden: Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31793-5_10
Wachs, Sebastian; Wettstein, Alexander; Bilz, Ludwig; Krause, Norman; Ballaschk, Cindy; Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Wright, Michelle F. (2021). Playing by the rules? An Investigation of the Relationship between Social Norms and Adolescents’ Hate Speech Perpetration in Schools. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37 (21-22), pp. 1-22. 10.1177/08862605211056032
Wettstein, Alexander; Nussbaum, Melina (2020). Hate Speech – Wie können Schulen vorbeugen? Berner Schule, 2, pp. 32-34.