Sowula, Jakub
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Sowula, Jakub (10 September 2024). Von wegen zu jung für (Sozial)politik! DeFacto.
Sowula, Jakub (2024). Deservingness and Welfare Attitudes Through Young Eyes: The Future of the Swiss Welfare State. Swiss Political Science Review, 30 (3), pp. 280-308. 10.1111/spsr.12606
Tempelmann, Sebastian; Sowula, Jakub; Cacchione, Trix (2024). Intentional water and tired wood: exploring causes for primary teachers’ reference to intuitive construals in science education. International Journal of Science Education, online, pp. 1-20 Taylor & Francis. 10.1080/09500693.2024.2324852
Sowula, Jakub; Gehrig, Franziska; Scruggs, Lyle A.; Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin; Ramalho Tafoya, Gabriela (2023). The end of welfare states as we know them? A multidimensional perspective. Social Policy & Administration, 58 (5), pp. 785-799. 10.1111/spol.12990
Sowula, Jakub (2023). Mind the gap: Young people and welfare-state related knowledge in deservingness and welfare attitude research. Journal of European Social Policy, 34 (1), pp. 101-114 SAGE Publications. 10.1177/09589287231222884
Sowula, Jakub; Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin (2023). The perceived dilemma between debt reduction and a fair society: saving for a rainy day without increasing poverty? In: Greve, Bent (ed.) Welfare States in a Turbulent Era (pp. 48-70). Edward Elgar 10.4337/9781803926841
Tempelmann, Sebastian; Sowula, Jakub (2021). Naturwissenschaftsdidaktische Kompetenzen von Primarlehrpersonen fördern: Beispiel für die forschungsbasierte Planung einer Ausbildungsveranstaltung. Progress in Science Education (PriSE), 4 (2), pp. 52-62.
Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin; Sowula, Jakub (2020). The Genesis of Welfare Regime Theory. In: Aspalter, Christian (ed.) Ideal Types in Comparative Social Policy (pp. 41-59). London: Routledge
Reinprecht, Constantin; Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin; Sowula, Jakub (2018). Mythen der vergleichenden Sozialpolitikforschung? Permanente Austerität und wohlfahrtsstaatliches Retrenchment. Sozialer Fortschritt, 67 (8-9), pp. 783-804. 10.3790/sfo.67.8-9.783