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Promoting inclusion of peers with special educational needs: effects of a curriculum-based diversity awareness program

Wüthrich, Sergej; Sahli Lozano, Caroline; Wicki, Matthias (2025). Promoting inclusion of peers with special educational needs: effects of a curriculum-based diversity awareness program (In Press). Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung Springer. 10.1007/s35834-024-00466-1

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Students with special educational needs (SEN) often face rejection from peers. Research suggests that intervention programs can enhance students’ attitudes and social participation of peers with SEN. However, many teachers lack the resources or time to implement comprehensive programs. The extent to what easy-to-implement teaching units have positive effects is less clear. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study assessed the effect of a series of classroom lessons based on the teaching resource Prinzip Vielfalt on students’ attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control (PBC), and their intentions to include peers with SEN.

In a cluster-controlled trial, 51 elementary school classes (3rd–6th grade) were assigned to either the experimental or waiting-control group based on the timing of teachers’ registration for a continuing education course. The experimental group consisted of 34 classes (652 students), where teachers implemented a standardized 12-lesson plan over a 6-week period, while the control group continued with their regular curriculum. Data were collected at three points: pre-test, post-test, and follow-up three months later. Student self-report measures were analyzed using mixed-effects and mediation models in R.

Analyses indicated no significant long-term effects for PBC or inclusion intentions. However, attitudes and subjective norms toward peers with disabilities improved significantly. Further, mediation analyses revealed significant indirect effects of attitudes and subjective norms on inclusion intentions. Thus, while the intervention did not directly influence intentions, it had a positive effect on attitudes and subjective norms, which could enhance inclusive behavior over time. Thus, carefully constructed, accessible, and easy-to-implement teaching resources such as Prinzip Vielfalt demonstrate promising effects on inclusive peer behavior.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Wüthrich, Sergej, Sahli Lozano, Caroline, Wicki, Matthias




[19 s 0002 02] Prinzip Vielfalt Official URL




Matthias Wicki

Date Deposited:

16 Jan 2025 09:25

Last Modified:

16 Jan 2025 10:03

Publisher DOI:





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