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Transition from Lower to Upper Secondary Education: Influence of a diagnosed anxiety disorder or depression during adolescence on post-compulsory education trajectories

Lustenberger, Sara; Wicki, Matthias; Brandenberg, Kathrin; Wüthrich, Sergej; Sahli Lozano, Caroline (2023). Transition from Lower to Upper Secondary Education: Influence of a diagnosed anxiety disorder or depression during adolescence on post-compulsory education trajectories. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 15 (3), pp. 275-293. 10.2440/003-0011

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The negative influence of anxiety disorders or depression during adolescence on the further life course is well documented. However, less is known about their influence on post-compulsory education even though post-compulsory education trajectories themselves also affect the life course. The present study investigates whether a diagnosed anxiety disorder or depression (anxiety/depression) during lower secondary education (LSE) is a risk factor for an upper secondary education (USE) with a lower level of demand or a critical transition to USE. Analyses are based on a longitudinal sample of 1369 young adults (during USE: M=19.08 years). Regression analyses and propensity score matching was used to examine comparable participants (in terms of achievement, aptitude, and ascriptive characteristics) with and without anxiety/depression during LSE. Anxiety/depression during LSE was significantly related to an USE with lower level of demand (OR=0.54, p=.032) and a greater risk of not having started an USE (OR=6.00, p=.004) at the third year of USE; however, those who have started an USE did not differ in terms of level of demand (OR=0.81, p=.469). Furthermore, anxiety/depression during LSE was a risk factor for a discontinuation in education (OR=4.40, p<.001) or change of apprenticeship company (OR=4.44, p=.001) at USE. These findings show the importance of prevention, early intervention, and treatment of anxiety disorders and depression in adolescence. Affected adolescents should be supported when entering USE (career orientation process, application process, education, and apprenticeship search). The earlier a mental illness is diagnosed and treated, the better the prognosis for the rest of life.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Lustenberger, Sara, Wicki, Matthias, Brandenberg, Kathrin, Wüthrich, Sergej, Sahli Lozano, Caroline




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Sara Lustenberger

Date Deposited:

14 Feb 2024 13:44

Last Modified:

30 Oct 2024 11:37

Publisher DOI:





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