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Bildungssprachliche Kompetenzen bei Schulbeginn: Modellierung – Operationalisierung – Ergebnisse

Beckert, Christine; Juska-Bacher, Britta (2015). Bildungssprachliche Kompetenzen bei Schulbeginn: Modellierung – Operationalisierung – Ergebnisse. LiLi. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 45 (2), pp. 71-89.

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Bildungssprache (Academic Language) is a necessary prerequisite for success at school. However, only recently has the need for its systematic teaching been recognised. Presently the concept of »Sprache im Fach«, i. E. the teaching of (academic) language in every subject, seems to adequately address the didactic needs, originating in the institutional requirements. Within different research perspectives, various models of Bildungssprache have been set up, most of them conceiving it as a multidimensional construct. Currently influential research perspectives on Bildungssprache study it in the context of migration-related second language acquisition and success at school, within the development of literacy, or with regard to its role for cognition, its being considered a resource with a value of its own. However, most studies only focus on children from 3rd grade upwards.

Within the project »Wortschatz und Wortlesen. Aneignung im frühen Schulalter« (WuW), the roots of the acquisition process of Bildungssprache are examined. Exemplified by the data of two Swiss children with Swiss German as their first language, the present article discusses theoretical and methodological issues concerning Bildungssprache at the point of school entry. Results show that, despite a look at current definitions of Bildungssprache may not make it seem likely, Bildungssprache is a concept applicable to the language used by children in 1st grade. Empirical studies and providing classroom training to that effect respectively are highly desirable.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Beckert, Christine, Juska, Britta






Jessica Brunner

Date Deposited:

03 Nov 2022 14:26

Last Modified:

10 Nov 2022 01:55

Publisher DOI:

Uncontrolled Keywords:

Bildungssprache, Spracherwerb, literale Sozialisation, Schriftlichkeit, Wortschatz, Schuleingangsstufe, academic language, language acquisition, (socialisation into) literacy, lexicon, school entry




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