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Revisiting the pre-apprenticeship for integration: Who has access, who does not, and why?

Stalder, Barbara E.; Schönbächler, Marie-Theres (2024). Revisiting the pre-apprenticeship for integration: Who has access, who does not, and why? In: Trends in vocational education and training research, vol. VII. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET) (pp. 138-143). VETNET 10.5281/zenodo.13237607

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Stalder Schönbächler 2024 Re-visiting the PAI VETNET ECER 138-143.pdf - Published Version
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Context: To enhance the vocational qualifications and job prospects of refugees, temporarily admitted persons, and late-arriving young adults from outside the asylum system, the Swiss government has introduced the pre-apprenticeship for integration (PAI). The one-year programme prepares those groups of migrants for a regular apprenticeship, qualified work, and a sustainable career. The PAI is structured similarly to two-year apprenticeships and is offered in various occupational fields. Since 2018, it included more than 4000 migrants aged 16 to about 36 from more than 90 countries.
Approach: The introduction of the PAI is accompanied by a research project that evaluates the quality of the learning provisions in the workplace and VET school and investigates the career prospects of the PAI participants. It is based on resource theory, the job characteristics model, and their adaptions to VET, and uses a mixed-method approach with surveys and interviews with all stakeholders of the six PAI cohorts. While previous publications have investigated the career prospects of PAI participants, at ECER 2024, we will focus on those migrants who were not admitted to the PAI or did not finish the programme. To this end, we will analyse monitoring data from the 18 participating cantons and the federal statistical office.
Findings: The analyses are ongoing, and findings cannot be provided yet. Results from the
survey with employers and the interviews with the contact persons of the cantons suggest, however, that nonparticipation in the PAI and early leaving may have different and multiple reasons. They highlight that limited individual, social, and situational resources may lead to a misfit with the programmes' requirements or the chosen career path.
Conclusions: Based on the findings, we will discuss possible measures to reinforce refugees' individual resources and access to pre-vocational programmes and regular apprenticeships. We will elaborate on how situational resources in the workplace and VET school can be strengthened to support refugees effectively in their careers.

Item Type:

Book Section (Book Chapter)

PHBern Contributor:

Stalder, Barbara, Schönbächler, Marie-Theres




[18 s 0007 01] Integrationsvorlehre für Flüchtlinge und vorläufig Aufgenommene (INVOL) Official URL




Barbara E. Stalder

Date Deposited:

24 Sep 2024 09:58

Last Modified:

25 Sep 2024 19:51

Publisher DOI:


Uncontrolled Keywords:

refugees, migrants, school-to-work transition, integration, inclusion, career success, vocational education and training, pre-apprenticeship, resources




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