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Development of inclusion-related self-efficacy expectations among special education teacher students: Influence of study choice motivation, previous educational training and professional experience

Zingg, Sabine; Sahli Lozano, Caroline (2024). Development of inclusion-related self-efficacy expectations among special education teacher students: Influence of study choice motivation, previous educational training and professional experience. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 16, pp. 154-168. 10.2440/003-0026

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The study addresses a research gap in the field of special education teacher training by using data from the StAr study to longitudinally analyse the development of inclusion-related self-efficacy expectations (iSE) of special education teacher students. In addition, based on the model of determinants and consequences of professional teacher competence, the study choice motivation, previous educational training and professional experience are analysed as individual influencing factors. The results of the latent growth curve models show a significant increase in iSE in the dimension "Using Inclusive Instruction", while the two dimensions "Managing behaviour" and "Collaboration" remain stable. There are inter-individual differences in iSE at the start of the programme in all dimensions. Both the study choice motivation as well as previous educational training and professional experience explain this variance at the start of the degree programme with varying significance for the individual dimensions. There are positive correlations between aspects of the intrinsic study choice motivation and previous teaching experience and iSE. The study shows that the individual prerequisites of students play a role in the starting position of iSE development at the beginning of the degree programme. In addition, universities should create learning opportunities that promote positive experiences in professional practice and thus support professional development.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Zingg, Sabine, Sahli Lozano, Caroline






Jana Kaufmann

Date Deposited:

14 Nov 2024 12:29

Last Modified:

28 Nov 2024 12:38

Publisher DOI:


Uncontrolled Keywords:

Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, Sonderpädagogik, Kompetenzentwicklung, individuelle Voraussetzungen, latente Wachstumskurvenmodelle, self-efficacy expectation, special education, competence development, individual prerequisites, latent growth curve models




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