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Erfassung grafomotorischer Fähigkeiten im schulischen Kontext Erweiterung des Screenings GRAFOS für die erste und zweite Schulklasse

Maurer, Michelle; Sägesser, Judith; Truxius, Lidia; Eckhart, Michael (2023). Erfassung grafomotorischer Fähigkeiten im schulischen Kontext Erweiterung des Screenings GRAFOS für die erste und zweite Schulklasse. Diagnostica, 70 (1), pp. 31-40. 10.1026/0012-1924/a000320

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Abstract: Graphomotor skills are crucial to acquiring legible and fluent handwriting and are closely related to early academic achievement. The graphomotor screening GRAFOS (Sägesser & Eckhart, 2016) measures children’s visuomotor integration and fine motor skills – the central predictors of graphomotor skills – by evaluating the accuracy of copies of different geometric shapes. This study extends the current GRAFOS Screening by five more complex shapes to make it applicable for follow-up diagnostics in older children and for reliably measuring interindividual differences at all performance levels. We investigated test statistics (objectivity, reliability, and validity) and item statistics of
the extended GRAFOS Screening in a sample of N = 474 children aged 6–9. The results confirmed the intended increase of difficulty of the Screening and indicated promising item and test statistics in 1st- and 2nd-grade children. Children with graphomotor and psychomotor difficulties performed significantly lower on the Screening, indicating the potential to identify children with graphomotor difficulties in 1st and 2nd grades. Further, we investigate the identification of children with graphomotor difficulties in more depth in an ongoing standardization study of the extended GRAFOS Screening.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Maurer, Michelle, Sägesser Wyss, Judith, Truxius, Lidia, Eckhart, Michael






Michelle Maurer

Date Deposited:

29 Feb 2024 11:32

Last Modified:

29 Feb 2024 15:22

Publisher DOI:


Uncontrolled Keywords:

Grafomotorik, visuomotorische Integration, Feinmotorik, Screening, Kinder




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