
Open Access Repository Bern University of Teacher Education

Measuring collective efficacy for inclusion in a global context

Sharma, Umesh; Loreman, Tim; May, Fiona; Romano, Alessandra; Sahli Lozano, Caroline; Avramidis, Elias; Woodcock, Stuart; Subban, Pearl; Kullmann, Harry (2023). Measuring collective efficacy for inclusion in a global context. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 39 (2), pp. 167-184. 10.1080/08856257.2023.2195075

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Previous research has identified the importance of teacher attitudes and self-efficacy in supporting inclusive education. This study involved a multi-national exploration of a further dimension of inclusive education, collective efficacy, through the testing of a new tool, the Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practice-Collective (TEIP-C) Scale. The study also aimed to investigate whether teacher attitudes, self-efficacy, collective efficacy and intention to teach in inclusive classrooms differ across countries. Participants included 1,523 teachers from Canada, Greece, Italy and Switzerland. Results suggested a two-factor structure for the TEIP-C, Engagement, and Inclusive Pedagogies, with strong internal consistency for the scale. Several differences across countries were identified, with teachers from Italy reporting more positive attitudes towards inclusion and a greater intention to teach in inclusive classrooms. Implications of the study in terms of further strengthening inclusive practice are discussed.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Sahli Lozano, Caroline


[20 s 0002 06] Internationale Skalen zu Einstellungen und Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen von Lehrpersonen gegenüber Inklusion (ISASI)




Jessica Brunner

Date Deposited:

17 Apr 2023 14:08

Last Modified:

03 Mar 2024 00:10

Publisher DOI:


Uncontrolled Keywords:

Inklusion, Kollektive Selbstwirksamkeit, Schulklima


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