
Open Access Repository Bern University of Teacher Education

Contextualizing The Civic Roles Of Postsecondary Institutions With Insights From Different Traditions

Kost, Jakob; Mou, Leping; O'Shea, Michael (2024). Contextualizing The Civic Roles Of Postsecondary Institutions With Insights From Different Traditions. In: Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2023. International Perspectives on Education and Society. International Perspectives on Education and Society: Vol. 48 (pp. 175-196). Emerald 10.1108/S1479-367920240000048010

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This paper explores the profound philosophical and conceptual foundations that underpin comparative international education research, particularly concerning the evolving roles of universities and colleges that transcend mere skills training or human capital development in contemporary times. Universities and colleges have predominantly focused on measuring their success through criteria such as research excellence and their ability to adapt to the ever-evolving demands of the job market. It is imperative to recognize that the diversity of postsecondary institutions is not only providers of human capital with curriculum shaped by labor market needs; rather, they should be recognized as institutions dedicated to human development, community anchors, the promotion of the public good, democratic education, the cultivation of civil society, and global citizenship. Relying on an extensive review of selected literature pertaining to the mission, goals, aims, and roles of the postsecondary sector in three regions (East Asia, Germanic Europe, and North America), this paper considers the question, “How do different approaches and traditions in different social contexts contribute to our understanding of the civic roles of postsecondary education institutions in shaping future global citizens, transcending the confines of national boundaries?” Throughout the paper, the unique contexts and traditions of these regions are meticulously examined alongside thematic discussions, culminating in comprehensive analyses on what factors are consid¬ered as the civic roles of institutions and what challenges are there for them to realize their goals.

Item Type:

Book Section (Book Chapter)

PHBern Contributor:

Kost, J.




International Perspectives on Education and Society






Jakob Kost

Date Deposited:

12 Dec 2024 14:14

Last Modified:

12 Dec 2024 14:14

Publisher DOI:


Uncontrolled Keywords:

Comparative education, international education, civic education, contextualization, tradition, democracy


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