
Open Access Repository Bern University of Teacher Education

Pushing crisis response towards sustainable transformation? Reflections from a case analysis of crisis-framed policy actions on teacher education in three European settings

Galvin, Connor; Gehrmann, Axel; Madalińska-Michalak, Joanna; Kost, Jakob; Ananin, Denis; Farrell, Rachel; Germer, Peggy; Bárány, Thomas; Fogarty, Liam; Salihovic, Mehida (2023). Pushing crisis response towards sustainable transformation? Reflections from a case analysis of crisis-framed policy actions on teacher education in three European settings. European Journal of Teacher Education, 46 (5), pp. 803-820. 10.1080/02619768.2023.2288811

Full text not available from this repository.

This paper explores the mobilisation of crisis response and related rhetoric in contemporary European teacher education. Using a critical vertical case analysis of illustrative national, regional, and institutional crisis-mediation settings (Switzerland, Germany, Ireland), we examine how crisis-informed policy response addresses global challenges like teacher shortages and digitalization. Employing an assemblage approach, we foreground how such responses exemplify moves to rethink, remake and redesign teacher education systems and programmes. Our discussions underscore the potential and the problematic aspects of crisis-based policy action to reshape teacher education and emphasize the role of universities and administrative institutions in fostering sustainable change. The study reveals particularly the influence of local contexts and cultures in shaping policy solutions and the dangers of excluding key actors within university teacher education from these conversations and actions. This discussion aims to inspire innovative and culturally-responsive transformations in teacher education practices and policies within Europe, and beyond.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Kost, J., Salihovic, Mehida




[20 w 1000 02] Regulatorische Massnahmen zur Steuerung des Lehrkräftebedarfs




Jakob Kost

Date Deposited:

12 Dec 2023 13:25

Last Modified:

14 Jan 2024 00:10

Publisher DOI:


Uncontrolled Keywords:

Crisis-response, teacher education policy, European contexts, alternative entry


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