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Practicum experience: the role of practicum demands and resources in first and second career preservice teachers

Trösch, Larissa; Winkler, Anja; Bauer, Catherine (2023). Practicum experience: the role of practicum demands and resources in first and second career preservice teachers. European Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 1-18. 10.1080/02619768.2023.2175662

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To alleviate teacher shortages, many countries are investing in professionals from other fields to become teachers. As second career (preservice) teachers (SCT) are thought to bring additional resources into the teaching profession, it is important gain insights into whether and how these resources are impacting their learning experiences and professional development. Therefore, using the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) framework, this study examined practicum output among first career preservice teachers (FCT) and SCT. Questionnaire data from 396 students (143 SCT) were analysed via path analyses with multi-group comparisons. The two groups differed significantly regarding self-efficacy beliefs as a resource, as well as the impact of job demands and resources on practicum output. FCT were more likely to feel discouraged by practicum demands. These findings indicate that practicum studies need to be tailored to different student groups.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Troesch, Larissa M., Winkler, Anja Verena, Bauer, Catherine Eve




[15 s 0005 01] Berufsleute als Lehrpersonen II: Die Bedeutung der Ausbildungs- und Berufsbiographie für die professionelle Entwicklung angehender Lehrkräfte Official URL




Jessica Brunner

Date Deposited:

17 Apr 2023 14:23

Last Modified:

23 Apr 2023 00:10

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