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Relevance of sport-related attitudes and interpretations for the sports activity of adolescents and young adults with and without migrant background

Klostermann, Claudia; Hayoz, Christelle; Nagel, Siegfried; Schlesinger, Torsten (2019). Relevance of sport-related attitudes and interpretations for the sports activity of adolescents and young adults with and without migrant background. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 49 (2), pp. 188-200. 10.1007/s12662-019-00568-3

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In many cases, explanations regarding differences in sports participation refer to factors like migrational background or nationality and the resulting disadvantages without considering the underlying mechanisms. The aim of the following study is to examine the extent to which people with or without Swiss nationality have different attitudes and interpretations which in turn are important for sport participation. The data basis for this empirical analysis is a cross-sectional study of adolescents and young adults in selected German- and French-speaking cantons in Switzerland (n = 4039). Missing values were replaced with multivariate imputations. Descriptive results confirm differences in sport participation of adolescents and young adults regarding the nationality. Multivariate logistic regression analysis between Swiss and non-Swiss people shows that the pure effect of nationality is dampened if variables of sport-related attitudes and interpretations are included in the model. Considering the effect within the two groups, it can be seen that most of the significant predictors point in the same direction and therefore, the theoretical mechanisms work quit similar within both groups.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)

PHBern Contributor:

Hayoz, Christelle, Nagel, Siegfried




Jessica Brunner

Date Deposited:

01 Aug 2022 10:36

Last Modified:

09 Aug 2022 00:20

Publisher DOI:





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